Grim Reaper Academy- Complete Collection Read online

Page 13

  “See? Told you! I’m not the shameless jerk you think I am.”

  I snapped out of my dirty thoughts. Had I been staring at his cock all this time? Oh, God! I hoped not. I blinked and nodded.

  “Thank you.”

  We stayed like that for another minute, neither of us sure of what our next step should me. I could see he wanted something, maybe more than I could imagine, and I appreciated that he wasn’t pushing me. The thing was… I wanted something, too. But what? I didn’t think I had it in me to take it. Or, maybe I did. I wasn’t a prude. But, was it safe? Was it safe to lean in and kiss him? Was it safe to pull his body against mine and finally feel those perfect muscles and that perfect cock…? He’d saved my life the night before. Maybe it was.

  I swallowed hard, sent a little prayer to whomever was there to hear it, and made my move. I ran my hand up his arm, and he followed it with his eyes, but didn’t move or say anything. His skin was soft under my fingers, and as I moved up to his shoulder, I became increasingly aware of the buzz of electricity between my fingertips and his body. I reached his shoulder, and a bit lost at what I was supposed to do next, I tucked a strand of reddish-blond hair behind his ear. He exhaled slowly and looked me in the eyes.

  “What do you want to do?” His voice sounded so serious and considerate! So… unlike him. So unlike GC Apis, the false god who could bed whomever he happened to have a boner for.

  “I don’t know,” I whispered. “Kiss?”

  He smiled and scooted closer. My arm went around his neck as he leaned in and captured my lips in the slowest, most passionate kiss I’d ever experienced. He didn’t push his tongue between my lips at first, he waited for me to get accustomed to him, to what was happening. He waited for me to be ready, because he instinctively knew that when I’d be ready…

  I moaned and pushed myself against him, letting my body mold itself against his ripped muscles, my breasts round and soft against his strong chest, my leg kicking the duvet off to wrap around his waist. My tongue parted his lips, and he gave me access enthusiastically. His arms came to wrap around my waist, then I felt his hands on my back, on my ribs, rubbing up and down. He was unsure whether he was allowed to move further down and grope my ass, or explore underneath my T-shirt – his T-shirt – and cup my breasts. His hard cock was resting on my belly. I moaned again and rubbed myself against him, and that was when he decided. His hands grabbed my ass and pulled me in, his hips making a circling motion.

  I needed air. I pulled away, and when our lips lost contact, he started working on my jaw and neck. I let him, my eyes closed and my body trembling as I enjoyed every second of what he was doing.

  “What’s up with the wristbands, anyway?” he said against my skin.

  “What?” I was too distracted to pay attention.

  “The wristbands. Why don’t you ever take them off? They’re ugly, and they kind of smell.”

  “Nothing,” I moaned. I was dripping wet, and if he kept this up, I was sure I’d have an orgasm without us actually doing anything. His right hand found its way between my legs, and I parted them slightly. I didn’t yet know how far I wanted to go, but at least I knew I didn’t want to stop just yet.


  “Nothing is up with them.”

  He dropped it. Understandably, since he had better things to concern himself with.

  He pulled my panties to the side, and his finger found the wetness between my folds. I quivered in his arms and let out a loud moan. God, this feels incredible! No one had touched me like this. I’d gone out with guys before, kissed behind the old, crumbling building of my former high school, and one of my exes had even found his way inside my pants once. But he was so clumsy and unskilled… Oh, fuck! I didn’t even want to think about it. He’d tried something, his sharp fingernail had scratched me too close to my most sensitive, extra special place, and I’d pushed him away, then broke up with him the next day. Horrible experience.

  GC was nothing like that. Nothing like any of the guys I’d been with before. He knew what he was doing, and I briefly wondered how many times he’d done it before, with how many girls. But those thoughts went right out the window when his thumb found my clit and pressed down lightly. That was all it took. I was so horny, so wet, so desperate for his touch, that one single stroke sent me over the edge. I grabbed onto him tighter and bit down on my lower lip, so I wouldn’t scream. He smiled against my neck, placed one last kiss where my shoulder met the clavicle, and held me like that for a few long minutes.

  “Are we together now?” I hated how needy I sounded. The second I said the words, I wanted to take them back. That was what happened post-orgasm. I couldn’t think clearly.

  “Yes. If that’s what you want.”

  It took me a moment to wrap my head around the fact that he’d said yes. Yes. GC, the greatest manwhore of the Academy, had said yes.

  “It is what I want. But… together together. As in…”

  He looked into my eyes. “As in I don’t date other girls, and you don’t date other guys. Got it.”

  “And you agree?”

  He shrugged. “Why wouldn’t I? You’re the most interesting girl here, normie. Even if I wanted to cheat on you…” He scrunched up his nose in that cute way I was starting to really fall for. “Who would I do it with? The other girls are so boring and so last season. Been there, done that.” He grinned.

  I couldn’t help the smile tugging at my lips. Of course. He’d done all of them. Did it bother me? Well, he was with me now, in his bed, and even though his cock was angry hard, maybe harder than before, he wasn’t pushing me to finish him off. Which I kind of wanted to do but wasn’t sure how.

  “Come on, let’s go get breakfast. I’m starving!”

  He jumped out of the bed, stretched, and I had my answer. He didn’t want me to finish him off. He was just happy that he’d done it for me.

  “I’m not sure about breakfast…”

  “You’re not eating in the kitchen again, normie. You’re my girlfriend now. Also, I want to flaunt you, okay? You’re coming, and you’re sitting at the VDC table with me.”

  “Flaunt me? Are you sure? Because you’re still calling me normie. You want to flaunt a normie girlfriend?”

  “Fine.” He turned to face me, a bright smile on his lips. Oh, those dimples… I could stare at them for hours! “You’re right, you’re no normie anymore, because you’re dating a false god.”

  “Excuse me? I’m not defined by whom I date.” I wasn’t serious, though. I could tell this whole thing was just friendly banter.

  He laughed out loud. “Shut up and take it! What if I called you…” He came closer, climbed back in bed, and put his nose so close to mine that I could feel his breath on my face. How could his breath smell so minty fresh when he’d just woken up?! So, false gods don’t do morning breath? “My normie goddess.”

  I huffed. “It still has normie in it.”

  “Yes, but it has goddess right after. You’d rather I called you false goddess?”

  “Oh, no! Normie is fine.”

  “Yep. I don’t like to be called a false god, either. But such is life. Now, breakfast?”

  I bit the inside of my cheek. This was nice. It felt nice. In other circumstances, I wouldn’t have minded going to the dining hall with GC and sitting at the VDC table, but Sariel would be there. And Lorna. Paz and Francis. And after what they’d done… I wasn’t sure I could face them. I wasn’t sure I wanted to sit at the same table with them.

  GC must have read my worries in my eyes.

  “Don’t worry, my normie goddess. I will protect you. If anyone as much as looks at you the wrong way…” He made a cracking noise and moved his hands as if he was breaking someone’s neck. “I’ll make sure that’s the last thing they do.”

  I sighed. How could I resist this guy? I couldn’t.


  Everyone was staring at us. Not just because GC and I walked into the
dining room together, holding hands, but also because they had all heard about what had happened the night before. As we stood in line at the open buffet, the students started whispering amongst themselves, but in such hushed tones that I couldn’t understand what they were saying no matter how hard I tried to listen. It felt strange. Usually, when someone had something bad to say about me, they said it to my face. Or behind my back, but still loud enough for the entire school to hear. GC squeezed my hand, and that calmed me down.

  I was craving sugar all of a sudden, so I piled a bunch of pancakes onto my plate, added both strawberry jam and maple syrup, and grabbed a bottle of orange juice. GC went for the classic fried eggs with bacon. He led the way to the VDC table, and when we sat down, everyone went silent and focused on their own plate. It was as if breakfast had suddenly become a sacred meal they were supposed to consume in peace and reverence. Well, that suited me just fine. I dug in and proceeded to enjoy my first normal breakfast at the VDC table. Apparently, my association with GC was doing wonders to my reputation.

  I stole a glance across the table at the Mighty Jerks. With GC on my side now, their group had shrunk to three. Francis was poking at his food, his eyes not leaving his plate. I didn’t know why, but I’d hoped he’d say something. I thought he’d want to apologize, or maybe tell me he hadn’t known a thing about Sariel’s plan. Maybe, he didn’t even have to apologize, because he hadn’t been involved. Instead, he was pretending I wasn’t even there. Shame. I’d thought we had something. When it was just the two of us in the Holy Chapel, it felt like there was a connection. It felt like we could be friends. It turned out I was wrong.

  Sariel was eating ravenously, as if he was in a hurry, as if he didn’t want to be there, but he had to. Lorna was nowhere in sight, though. She wasn’t at our table, but she wasn’t at her cabal’s table, either. She hadn’t come down to breakfast. Pandora, on the other hand, was all over Paz. She was practically sitting in his lap, although he was doing his best to push her away so he could actually eat like a normal person. She kept playing with his black hair, whispering in his ear, and giggling every time she kissed his cheek or temple. Paz didn’t seem to be into it.

  “Come on, baby. I’m all yours again. I got rid of those NDC idiots. They were so boring! I missed you, baby.”

  “Pandora, please,” he almost hissed at her. “I’m not in the mood.”

  “Oh, but I can get you in the mood.” Her hand went under the table, and by the way Paz tensed, I could guess she’d grabbed his crotch. “I promise I’m all yours from now on. No more games.”

  He sighed deeply, then pushed her off him. “Not now.”

  She was shocked for a moment but recovered quickly. She laughed lightly and cut a piece of her fried egg. As she placed it on her tongue, she looked at Paz as if to say she couldn’t wait to devour him just like she was devouring her breakfast.

  “You done?” GC’s voice startled me. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Err…” I had a couple more bites left, but my appetite had taken a dive thanks to Pandora. “Yeah. Just let me go grab another bottle of orange juice.” I was so thirsty! For sure, what GC and I had done in his room had something to do with my constant thirst. “Do you want anything?” GC shook his head and kissed me on the temple, which made me blush hard. I hurried to the open buffet like my life depended on it.

  “Are you okay?” Klaus had seen me leave the VDC table and thought this was his chance. “I heard what happened. I can’t believe those dirt bags would do something like that to you!”

  “I’m fine.” His blue eyes seemed to be filled with genuine concern. “Really, you have nothing to worry about. GC got me out of the water.”

  “I heard Lorna tied a rope around you? And attached a boulder to it? Oh my God! What is wrong with that bitch?”

  “Sariel put her up to it. I’m sure. Whatever. Now I know to expect anything from them. I let my guard down last night. I shouldn’t have.”

  He shook his head. He was at a loss for words. I didn’t blame him. What Sariel and Lorna had done was legit insane. Neither of them was right in the head.

  “So, you still don’t want to help me take revenge?”

  He stuffed his hands in his pockets and stole a quick glance around. His voice was a whisper, now. “I’ve thought about it.”


  “I’ll help you. I don’t know how, yet, but I’m in. Let’s do it.”

  I could barely contain my excitement. I would have hugged him, but this wasn’t the time, nor the place.

  “Good. Good. I don’t know what I’m going to do, either, but I’ll keep thinking. Something will come up.”

  “Do you want to get them both?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe. Lorna is horrible, but I know that Sariel has been the brains all along. I want to get him first.”

  “Alright. We’ll focus on that.”

  We nodded conspiratorially and parted ways. GC left the VDC table, and we headed outside together. We walked for a bit, hand in hand, just enjoying the late September sun and the breeze coming from the ocean. As more students finished their breakfast, they poured out of the building and spread around the inner court, some just chatting, others having brought books or board games with them. It was the first time I noticed (since I’d mostly avoided the inner court on weekends) that most of the NDC students played chess, while the MDC was into fantasy board games, and the RDC had headed to the sports field with the guys from the VDC.

  “We usually play against the RDC,” GC told me when he caught me watching the two cabals choosing their teams.


  “Depends. Softball, sometimes. Lacrosse. The RDC girls want to play handball all the time, but that’s not very manly.” He laughed.

  “You know, I’ve always wondered… Why doesn’t the Academy have an official team?”

  “And that official team would compete against… whom? Grim Reaper Academy is unique in the world. Also, the Merciful Death Cabal and the Neutral Death Cabal are generally known for their disinterest in sports. I mean, look at those guys! They’re playing chess!”

  “You can go play if you want. You don’t have to stay with me.” I didn’t mean it, though, and I hoped he’d see it.

  “The RDC has convinced them to play handball. No thanks. Besides, this is our first day together, as a couple. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  He took my chin between his fingers and tipped my head to the side. I closed my eyes when his lips met mine, and I allowed myself to melt against him. This was nice. This was really nice. Things were finally looking up. I was spending my first weekend in the courtyard, with the other students, and I had a boyfriend. Not just any boyfriend. I had the hottest guy in school, the guy all the girls wanted. Yeah. I could get used to this life. It was sad that I almost had to die for it.

  “So, what do you wanna do?”

  We sat down at one of the stone tables. Briefly, my mind went to the day when I’d sat with Paz just a few feet away from here, and he’d confessed all sorts of things to me. Why was I thinking about Paz? What was wrong with me? This was way better.

  “I don’t know. Maybe we could play something?”

  “Board games are not much fun in two, but I don’t want us to join a group, either. I want you all to myself today.” He winked at me, and I giggled. Oh God, I was turning into one of those tramps who wanted to get into his pants twenty-four seven. “I’ll go find a pack of cards.”

  “Okay. Don’t be long.”

  “Your wish is my command, normie goddess.” He kissed me before sprinting to the library, where I knew there was a huge collection of board games and card games.

  Anyway, wish or no wish, I hoped he was going to take it seriously and hurry up, because even though I was his girlfriend now and everyone knew, that didn’t mean I was safe when he wasn’t around. I hunched over the table and took out my phone. Since I’d arrived at the Academy, I hadn’t used it much. I
had no friends here, so who would I message? There was Patty, but she was too busy to stay on her phone. Her hands were usually elbow-deep in water or dough, anyway. She couldn’t even reach for her phone. And I hadn’t kept in touch with anyone from back home. The past was in the past, and even though I missed my mom and some of my friends from school, it was better this way. I didn’t want to be found. I didn’t want to risk my past sneaking into my present and ruining my future. Not even for a short conversation with my mom. She was better off without me.

  I opened an old game and started playing to pass the time, and also to show anyone who might have thought of disturbing me that I was busy. I should have gone with GC. Was I really this terrified of being alone with the other students? The VDC wasn’t even around. They were busy yelling at the RDC team that the game sucked balls and they wanted to play baseball. The NDC weren’t that bad, and the MDC knew I was Klaus’s friend. Still. I felt exposed. And Sariel didn’t seem to be on the field with the others. Where was he? What if he came out of nowhere and pulled some sick prank on me again? What he’d done the night before hadn’t been a prank, though, so he’d moved past that, which made him even more dangerous. And where was Lorna? I dragged in a breath and tried to calm down. GC must have reached the library by now, and it wouldn’t take him long to grab a pack of cards and run back to me. I just had to hold it together until he was here, by my side.

  God, this is all kinds of fucked up! What am I now? Dependent?

  “Where’s lover boy? Are you alone?”

  I almost jumped out of my skin. Pazuzu. I’d recognize his voice anywhere. I looked up and had to shield my eyes from the sun. The weather was unusually nice for the end of September.


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