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- Cara Wylde
Grim Reaper Academy- Complete Collection Page 18
Grim Reaper Academy- Complete Collection Read online
Page 18
“Maybe you’re more special than you think. And you just don’t know it yet.”
I rolled my eyes. “Thanks for trying to make me feel better, but there’s nothing special about me. Trust me, I wish there was! All my childhood, I dreamed that one day someone would show up and tell me I was some long-lost princess, or promised warrior, or savior of the world, or… insert whatever fantasy destiny you wish here. Never happened. Because I’m not.”
“Grim Reaper Academy happened.”
“Yeah, but I’m still human. I’m still mortal. I’m still me. I won’t even graduate, you know that, right? I do. I don’t stand a chance. I’m just playing pretend until all this blows over and they send me back home.”
“Hm.” She reached out and tucked a strand of blue hair behind my ear. “I don’t know, BFF. I have a feeling.”
“A feeling that… what?”
“That you’re more than meets the eye.”
“So… this is just a feeling, right? You don’t have like… proof.”
She laughed out loud. “See? You haven’t lost your hope yet.”
I bit the inside of my cheek. “I know, it’s embarrassing.”
Patty took my arm, and we headed back inside.
“I suggest you keep your mind open and trust that you’re not here by accident. It was meant to be.”
“Yeah, you see… that bullshit right there? It doesn’t resonate with me.”
“It’s not bullshit.” She lowered her voice.
“It’s a feeling you have, then. Okay, I can appreciate that. And you might be a great telepath, but your feeling something about your BFF doesn’t make it real.” BFF. I liked that.
“What if it wasn’t just a feeling? What if it was… I don’t know…” she looked up at the ceiling as if the right words dwelled there, in the dust around the faint light bulls. “Prophecy. That’s the word.”
“Really?” I stopped to stare at her, and she stopped, too. We were in the middle of the corridor between the west and the north towers. “I just told you I’m embarrassed about this whole ‘maybe I’m special after all’ business. And you say the word ‘prophecy’? Okay, this is payback for Paz, isn’t it?”
She laughed. “No, it’s not! I’m over that. Come on, you have to admit. Prophecy. It’s a good word.”
“Yeah. It sure sounds nice. And useless.” My eyes caught a movement farther down the corridor. The lights were so dim there, that I could barely distinguish something, but it did look like two people were walking together, hand in hand, toward the north tower. “I thought there were no more students.”
Patty turned on her heels and followed my gaze. “Maybe it’s Paz.”
“Didn’t look like Paz. Oh, it’s Francis!” The couple walked under a bulb that happened to have been changed recently and gave off more light. I could recognize Francis’s brown hair and rigid stature anywhere. “But who’s the girl?” She was tall (taller than him, actually), with long blond hair and beautiful curves. She giggled as he pulled her farther, then up the stairs to the dormitories. “She’s not a student here.”
“I don’t think so. She doesn’t look familiar.”
“Why is Francis back so early? And is he even allowed to bring in someone from outside the Academy?”
Patty shrugged. “Don’t know, don’t care. Come on, I tried a new recipe for cinnamon rolls today, and I need your input.”
“Sure you do.”
She took my hand and pulled me in the opposite direction. My stomach rumbled at the thought of cinnamon rolls, and I forgot all about Francis and his mysterious guest.
Winter vacation was almost over, we had classes in two days, and the Academy halls were starting to get crowded again. With Paz lurking around every corner, I’d spent the rest of my week holed up in my room, or in the kitchens, with Patty and the staff. I was looking forward to going back to class, but I wasn’t looking forward to having Sariel and Lorna around. I kind of dreaded my reunion with GC, too. After what had happened between me and Paz… I didn’t know if I could look him in the eye. We’d texted all through the two-week holiday, but that was different. From behind a screen, I could pretend I was still the Mila he knew. It was stupid, really. It had only been a kiss that I hadn’t even initiated. So what if I’d felt something when Paz had pressed his body to mine, when his tongue had entangled with my tongue? I was eighteen! And a virgin! No one could blame an eighteen-year-old virgin for being horny. No one… Well, okay. Apparently, I could. Not even Patty was blaming me, but Patty was Patty. She was too good for this world.
“So, how was your Christmas vacation?” Klaus caught up with me as I was rushing to the north tower to change before dinner. “Let me guess. You lost your mind alone between these… too many walls.” He waved his hands around in a funny gesture.
“Not really. I needed the peace and quiet, and I got almost enough.”
“Paz was here, too,” I growled. “His parents wouldn’t have him for the holidays because he broke his engagement to Pandora.”
“Oh, I heard about that. Juicy gossip. Some say he did it because of a certain blue-haired human.”
“Please don’t spread that bullshit around, too.”
“So, it’s not true?”
I bit the inside of my cheek and walked faster. It was nice to see Klaus, I’d kind of missed him, but if he was going to be a pain in the ass about this, then I didn’t want to stick around.
“It is!”
“I didn’t say that,” I mumbled.
“Oh, sister, your silence says more than your words ever could.” He laughed as he turned around and headed to the dining hall.
“Idiot,” I whispered. But I wasn’t sure whether I was referring to him or me.
No, it was me. I was the idiot. I was currently rushing up the spiral staircase because I’d just realized GC would arrive right before dinner, and I was wearing the most boring sweater and my oldest jeans. After two weeks away, I couldn’t possibly let my boyfriend see me like this. Also, a bit of makeup wouldn’t hurt. At least, I’d been inspired enough to wash my hair in the morning, after I’d dyed it again.
I reached the landing, stopped for a second to catch my breath, then hurried down the corridor, avoiding the students who’d already arrived and were chatting in front of their dorm-rooms. I caught a glimpse of Francis before he disappeared into his bedroom. He seemed to be alone. I didn’t see Sariel or Lorna, and if I was lucky enough, I wouldn’t see them until dinner, when GC would be by my side. It was never a good idea to come face to face with my two tormentors when GC wasn’t there. And especially not now, when they both knew I was the one who’d ruined Sariel’s scythe performance. Well, Lorna knew. I was sure she’d told Sariel.
I turned the corner to my sad, narrow corridor, and cursed under my breath when I saw who was leaning against my door, blocking my way. Fucking Pazuzu.
“Please move,” I said, and I hated the note of defeat in my voice. Two weeks of following me around the Academy, and he’d worn me out. I just couldn’t wait for him to make a new obsession for some other girl and leave me the hell alone.
“Not before we talk.”
“We have nothing to talk about. Just let me through. I need to change, and I’m hungry.”
He studied me from head to toe. “Why change? You look cute.”
I rolled my eyes. Sure, if in his book, cute meant blue hair pulled up in a messy bun on top of my head, no makeup, and old, saggy clothes to cover my curves strategically.
“I’m not kidding, Paz. Move.”
“You want to change for GC?” He pushed himself away from the door, but when I tried to stick my keys in the lock, he grabbed my wrist and trapped me between the door and his oh-so-freaking-hot body. “If you feel like you have to change your clothes for him, then maybe he’s not the awesome boyfriend you think he is.”
“You’re not making any sense. Yo
u know that, right? I’m not doing it for him, or for anyone else. I’m doing it for me.”
“Are you just trying to lie to me, or are you actually lying to yourself, too?”
“This is ridiculous. Let me go. What have I ever done to you?”
He looked into my eyes, and I froze in place. I couldn’t move a muscle, I couldn’t look away. It felt like his intense green orbs could see right into my soul, and I had nowhere to hide. A lock of raven-black hair slipped on his forehead, covering his eyebrow and part of his eye, and it took everything I had to resist the urge to reach up and brush it back up where it belonged.
“Everything. You’ve done everything to me,” he whispered. He was so close that I could feel his warm breath on my face. So close, that if I rose on my tiptoes, I could kiss him. “You… exist.” He twirled a blue lock that had escaped my bun between his fingers.
“It’s all in your head,” I managed. “I never tried to seduce you. I never even wanted your attention.”
He smiled. “Yes. Perfect strategy. It worked. Congratulations.”
“No, you don’t get it. For real, I never ever…”
“What’s going on here?”
My heart jumped ten feet out of my body at the sound of GC’s voice. He was standing at the end of the corridor, with his arms crossed over his chest, and his eyes fixed on us, brows furrowed.
I made an effort and pushed Paz away. It was a good thing he allowed me to, otherwise, from experience, I knew I wouldn’t have been able to make him budge.
GC came closer, and before I knew it, I was trapped between the two of them. For a minute, they were engaged in a staring contest. When I felt like the tension was too much, I blurted out: “Nothing is going on.”
“Is that so?” Paz asked mischievously. “Maybe you should just tell him now and save yourself the heartache of living with a lie.”
I turned red. Who did he think he was to force my hand like that? To tell GC about the kiss was my decision to make. Also, I didn’t want to do it out on the corridor, where the other students might have heard everything.
“Tell me what?” GC’s ocean-blue gaze moved to me. I turned even redder. “Mila?”
I closed my eyes for a second, pinched the bridge of my nose, and sighed. There was no getting out of this.
“We kissed. I mean… more like Paz trapped me in the library and kissed me.”
“Without your consent?!”
GC uncrossed his arms, his hands coming to squeeze into fists at his sides. He gave Paz a murderous look.
“You scum!”
He took a step forward, and I had to put my hand on his strong chest to stop him from launching himself at Paz. The demon laughed in his face.
“Yes, I kissed her, and she might have not wanted it at first, but trust me, pal, she changed her mind pretty soon. Like, the second I had my tongue down her throat.”
Oh my God! He was making things worse!
“Is this true?” GC turned to me.
“I… I…” I was at a loss for words. “He’s making it sound way worse than it was.”
“Worse?” Paz chuckled. “Are you saying the kiss was bad?”
“N-no…” Way to go, Mila! Right into his stupid trap.
GC ran his hand through his reddish-blond hair. “I don’t believe this. I’ve dated so many girls. I just thought…”
“That she’s different?” Paz really wasn’t trying to help. “Well, tough luck, mate. That’s on you.”
“Okay, stop. Just stop.” I straightened my back and placed my hands on their chests, pushing them away from each other. “I’m here, and I can speak for myself.” I turned to Paz, first. “Paz, you’re an asshole. You followed me around every day, tried to get me alone in the library, in the Holy Chapel, in the dining room… everywhere! You broke Patty’s heart to… I don’t even know why! To get back at me? It was just one kiss. One kiss that you stole from me, and no, I won’t deny that I liked it, but that’s that. This ends here.” There was shock and surprise on Paz’s face, but I didn’t have time to come to any conclusion about how he’d taken my words. I turned to GC. “I’m sorry. It happened. I didn’t want it to happen, but it did, and I swear to God, it didn’t mean anything. It was just physical. Something mechanical, okay? My body reacted on its own. But I promise you, I don’t want to be with him. I want to be with you. I have feelings for you.”
“You do?” GC’s expression softened.
I looked into his eyes and tried to be as convincing as possible.
I could sense that Paz had deflated a bit, and maybe he would have walked away if GC had focused on me and forgotten about him. But, no. My life couldn’t possibly be that easy!
“So, you have feelings for me, but when he touches you… your body responds to him.”
The guys exchanged a glance, and I suddenly felt like someone had cut the branch from under my feet.
“I… I don’t know what to say to that.”
“But you’ve just said it.”
“My body responds to you, too, okay?” I blushed deeper, remembering that first morning I woke up next to him. His strong arms around me, my leg up on his hip to pull him in. “You’re making this into something that it isn’t.”
“Am I? Because, from where I stand, you seem to be attracted to the both of us.”
I let out a deep sigh. He wasn’t going to let this go, was he?
“My pal here asked you a question, dearie,” Paz pushed.
“Your pal?! Now he’s your pal? I thought you were going for each other’s throats a minute ago.”
Paz chuckled. “We still might. But you don’t know us very well. We’ve been friends since forever. We might kill each other, or we might…” He shrugged, as if the thought had just occurred to him out of the blue. “Decide to share.”
“Okay, this is going the wrong way!” I turned my back to them, my hand trembling as I tried to unlock my door. Right now, I felt like my room was the only place where I’d be safe from all the embarrassment they were both causing me.
“It’s fine,” GC said with a sigh. “If you’re attracted to Paz, then I’m fine with it. As long as you admit it and you never ever lie to me.”
I snapped back around, my eyes as wide as saucers. Was this another trap? For God’s sake! I could never keep up with them!
“I’m not sure I understand.”
GC reached out to cup my cheek and run his thumb across my temple.
“Mila, I’ve lived for a few hundred years, I’ve dated many women, young and… not so young.” He laughed at the absurdity of what he’d just said. “Though, I guess, when it comes to supernaturals, age is the last detail that’s even remotely relevant. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is: I’ve never met anyone like you.”
“Because I’m human?”
“Because you’re you. And if you like this guy, too, whatever. I can live with that. It wouldn’t be the first time we shared a woman.”
My eyes grew even wider, if that was possible. One more word from him, and they’d pop out of my head and roll onto the floor.
“Err… share as in…”
Paz stepped closer and wrapped an arm around my waist. He leaned in to whisper in my ear, and I suddenly found myself sandwiched between two of the hottest guys at Grim Reaper Academy.
“You know what he means. Come on, dearie, don’t tell me you never fantasized about it.”
Had I?! At this point, I was so confused that I couldn’t remember whom I’d fantasized about since I’d met the Mighty Jerks.
“If you’re talking about dreams…”
“Dreams, daydreams, fantasies…”
“Oh, good thing you mentioned dreams!” GC took a step back, his expression changing in an instant. It was as if he’d just remembered something, and it definitely trumped our little dispute. “I came in a rush to tell you what I found out, not to catch you and Paz all snuggly.”
Paz let go of me, too, and I kind of felt like the mood had changed and we were going in a completely different direction. Not that I was complaining. I could breathe again! Too much sexual tension could make a girl hyperventilate.
“I couldn’t forgive myself that I wasn’t there when Lorna did…” He dragged in a breath. “When you almost drowned. And I couldn’t understand. I just couldn’t. We all know that Lorna only does what Sariel asks.”
“That is… when she doesn’t take matters into her own hands and goes batshit crazy even before Sariel asks,” added Paz.
“Right. So, something must have pissed Sariel off to make her do what she did. Something you said or did that night.”
“I didn’t do anything! Only what Mrs. Po had told us to do: share something about us.”
“And what did you share?”
I shrugged. Did it matter?
“A dream,” Paz answered for me. “A lucid dream.”
“Exactly! Also, you’re an idiot.” He narrowed his eyes at Paz. “You should have put two and two together.”
“Dude, how was I supposed to know that something like that would piss him off so badly?”
“Didn’t it piss you off? That she is human and can lucid dream, and you’re not human, so you can’t?”
“Nah. I don’t have a stick up my ass. I mean, sure, it would’ve been nice to be able to have lucid dreams, or to dream at all, but I’d still rather be a demon.”
“Wait a second! You guys can’t dream?!” Mind. Blown.
Both Paz and GC shook their heads at the same time.
“Wow! But… how can you not? I mean… it’s something so normal, so natural.”
“To humans, yes,” Paz said. “Not to us. So, no, we can’t dream at all. But, as I said, I’m fine with it. Why would Sariel snap because of something so silly?”
“It’s not silly, and you know it,” GC rolled his eyes. “No dreams, no access to knowledge beyond the realms that we know.”
Paz shrugged. “We know enough realms. This dimension, Hell, Heaven, a bunch of pocket universes… Add more realms, and I’ll tell you to leave me the fuck alone. Our geography is too complicated already.”